Tag Archives: arabic

Learning the Arabic Language

The Arabic language is an ancient tongue that dates back to earlier than the 6th century. It is a language steeped in history, and shrouded in mystery. Today, the Arabic language is the 5th most spoken language on the planet, and it is the official language in many Middle Eastern countries, such as Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia. If you are interested in the study of ancient Near Eastern history, modern Middle Eastern history, religion, or foreign language, learning the Arabic language will help […]

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Learn Arabic Online

Learning Arabic online is perhaps the most flexible way to tackling this complex language. The online option not only offers you flexibility but also permits you to go at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. The first thing to consider when opting for an online course in Arabic is to research your options and read as many reviews as possible in order to guarantee you sign up for a reputable and recognised course. Many online courses are known for lacking any real […]

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How to Learn Arabic

It is often said that the best way to learn a second language is to spend as much time as possible in the country where the language is spoken or at the very least by spending time with native speakers. But for many this way may not be either practicable or even possible. Therefore it is important to look at other methods of learning this complex ancient language. The obvious way to learn Arabic is to enrol in classes or a course but again this may not […]

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Why Learn Arabic?

Arabic is the official language or one of multiple official languages in as many as 25 countries making it one of the world’s major languages. It is therefore no surprise that more and more interest comes from the Western world to learn this challenging language for both strategic reasons and oil resources. However, Arabic is not just spoken in the Middle East but also throughout North Africa and some of the eastern and southern parts of the African continent. Given therefore the importance of this language, Arabic […]

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